How to choose a Corgi puppy? How to check the appearance? Corgis have become extremely popular in the past two years, especially Corgi’s electric motor butt. Girls are also proud to have a Corgi butt. More businesses are also turning Corgi’s butts into wall paintings, mobile phone cases, ornaments, bags, etc. The popularity is evident. Are you saying that you are a little excited? So if you want to keep a Corgi, how do you choose the best one?

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Look at the coat color
The coat colors of Corgis are mainly two-color and three-color. The back is mostly yellow or black, and the back is darker and faces to all sides. Mutates to light color or white.
Two-color Corgis are mostly yellow and white. According to the depth of the coat and the main color of the head, it will be further subdivided into light yellowish-brown white, yellowish-white, dark yellowish-white, etc.; three-color Corgis are mostly black, yellowish, and white. The color can be further divided into three-color black head and three-color yellow head; whether it is a two-color Corgi or a three-color Corgi, the color on the back can only be one color and cannot be different (except for Blue Meteor). Blue merle (a combination of black, gray, and marble is blue merle) is okay with brown or freckles.

Tongtian (nose line): refers to the white strip in the center of the corgi's head. It is most suitable to be in the middle, straight and of moderate width. It is not particularly good if it is too wide and delicate, or if there is a joint in the middle.

Neck scarf: The white coat that appears around the neck is often called a scarf. A good scarf runs through the neck and is distributed evenly, but it can only be distributed on the neck and shoulders. If the white hair on the chest exceeds the shoulders, it will be disqualified. The scarf is insignificant and not particularly important.
White hands and feet: Corgi’s four legs are white, the white of the front feet does not pass the shoulder joints, and the white of the hind feet does not pass the knee joints. If the white of the hind foot is above the knee, the athlete will be disqualified.
Complete: Corgi has white scattered on the legs, chest, muzzle, lower body, tip of tail, and head. The white color on the head does not engulf the dominant position and does not surround the eyes.
Any body that is predominantly white is a disqualification. Multiple and inconsistent coat colors appear on the back. All colors other than the permitted colors of yellow, sable, light yellow, black, and tawny are also disqualified. Long hair, loose hair,Cryptorchidism and conspicuous white hair on the ears shall be disqualified. However, it is normal for the Corgi's lanugo to have some gray color.


2.Look at the shape

Head: It is elongated, long, straight and small, and often erect. The forehead and skull are slightly convex, and the top of the back is not exceeded.

Eyes: Oval in shape, ranging from average size to slightly larger, no larger than normal size, with dark eye circles and clear corners, matching the color of the coat. Blue eyes (including part of the eye being blue), or one eye being blue and the other being dark, are allowed on a blue merle dog, but will be disqualified on a dog with any other color.

Ears: Gradually reduce to rounded tips, and the auricles are particularly developed. The ears are too broad and erect. Draw a straight line from the tip of the nose through the eyes to the tips of the ears. The resulting triangle is close to an equilateral triangle. Small or pointed ears are serious faults. Drop ears are a disqualification.

Nose: black or brown, blue merle corgi color. It is best for Lan Yun dogs to have black noses, but butterfly noses are also acceptable. Corgis with other colors will be disqualified if their noses are not black.

Back: The back is relatively straight, without obvious concavity or protrusion
Tail: The position is relatively short relative to the body. A high tail is a serious fault.


If you want to reduce the number of family members and raise a corgi, there is no need to worry about it. The most important thing is that the dog is healthy and pleasing to the eye. I believe that since you have raised it, you must like it enough.

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