Mudskipper A rare squid, a type of small tropical fish, it is distributed in the South China Sea and East China Sea in Malaysia, China, Japan, and China; Guangdong families are scattered in places such as the Pearl River Estuary and Leizhou Bay. Resting in brackish and freshwater waters of estuaries, nearshore tidal flats or low tide areas with muddy bottoms, they have strong tolerance to harsh water conditions.
Mudskippers prefer to live on coastal tidal flats and prefer to live in caves in soft muddy bottom tidal areas or brackish water. estuary tidal flats. It can use its pelvic fins to crawl on the mud, play, chase, jump, and look for food, hence the name jumping fish. It is a precious fish species that feeds on benthic diatoms as its main food. From a gourmet point of view, the fish produced on the non-infectious tidal flats are the best.
Mudskippers are salty in nature and like to live in caves. The caves are generally Y-shaped, consisting of holes and straight holes. Orifice and posterior orifice are formed. The front opening is for entry and exit, and the rear opening is for ventilation. Clinging to the pectoral fins and caudal peduncle, it crawls or jumps on the water surface, beaches, and rocks; it crawls on the mud to feed on benthic diatoms, blue-green algae, and some copepods and organic matter.
How do mudskippers jump? Originally, when traveling far away from Qishui, the mudskipper held a mouthful of water in its mouth to extend its pause on the mainland. Because the water in its mouth can help it breathe, just like the oxygen tank on a diver's body is filled with air, and the mudskipper's "air tank" is its mouth filled with water. The mudskipper's pelvic fins develop suckers, which help it stay firmly in place. The strong pelvic fins support the body, while the well-evolved pectoral fin muscles pull the body forward so that the mudskipper can move on the mainland.
Some studies have also found that mudskippers transport air, and the reason is not difficult to explain. The skin of large mudskippers You can directly absorb the oxygen in the air; one liter of water contains about 10 cubic centimeters of oxygen, and one liter of air contains up to 210 cubic centimeters of oxygen;Air will accumulate in airtight containers; the specific density of air is lighter than water, and it often flows to the surface of the water... Therefore, some people would think that mudskippers can transport air. So, after reading the above introduction, do you think mudskippers are mysterious? Sure enough, if you are interested, go and raise a mudskipper.